Quadrille Team win at Olympia

The SWDRC Quadrille Team have won the final of the SEIB/BRC Quadrille of the Year 2013 at Olympia.  This victory takes the club’s tally to a further unprecedented 6 wins in this event.

Olympia Quadrille

This year’s team was Suzannah Engelmann on Jim, Claire Engelmann on Taffy, Boffie Brown on Ozzie and Emily Edgar on George and their theme was Send in the Clowns.

After the tribulations of the selection trial (see previous post) the run up to the final was somewhat smoother and although the performance itself wasn’t as polished as it could have been the team still managed to pull themselves up from last place after the turnout section to win with a terrific overall score of 90%!

Olympia Quadrille 2
